Frequently Asked Questions:

Why Xanatos?

  • In comparison to traditional energy drinks, Xanatos is customizable; meaning you decide how much energy you want out of the product. Similarly, it's completely portable! You can literally have an energy drink with you at all times whether it be in your pocket, your purse, your car etc.
  • How much caffiene is in each tablet?

  • Each tablet contains about 51mg of caffiene.
  • How many tablets do I use at a time?

  • Since the product is customizable, it's up to you, but you shouldn't exceed four tablets at one time.
  • What does it taste like?

  • The flavor is light, not syrupy like some other energy drinks. It's a refreshing dragonfruit flavor that will keep you energized all day long!
  • Where can I buy it?

  • On the shop tab of this website! Or, you may visit to purchase it, along with other healtth related products.
  • Contact us!

  • If you have any remaining questions, concerns, or ideas, we'd love to hear em'! Head on over to our contact Page for additional information on how to reach us. Or, check out our socials below and leave your comments there!
  • Additional information!